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Writer's pictureJeff Hoyt

Zeolite: Nature's Miracle Detox Mineral

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Zeolite is one of the most fascinating and powerful natural remedies out there! Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that contains a very strong “cage-like” structure and negative charge.  There are many types of naturally occurring zeolites. The zeolite that is being discussed in this article is called clinoptilolite, which is the form that has been most studied for human consumption.

How Does Zeolite Work?

Zeolite is an alkaline mineral that is very porous and is one of the very few minerals that is negatively charged by nature. Since many toxic elements such as heavy metals including mercury, cadmium and lead are positively charged, zeolite is pulled to the toxins, like a magnet, and sucks them up into its structure. These dangerous substances become trapped in zeolite’s cage structure, and are then safely and gently carried out of the body.

What Does Zeolite Bind to?

Zeolite has a strong negative charge and thus is attracted to positively charged molecules. Since most of the things that don't belong in our bodies are positively charged, zeolite can be an effective detox method for a number of toxic elements that are draining our health. Here are a few of the things zeolite binds to:

Heavy Metals- Heavy metals are toxic metals that accumulate in our bodies over time and put an enormous burden on our immune and nervous systems, and make our bodies work overtime to stay healthy. Eventually our bodies lose the ability to keep up with the excess demand and symptoms such as chronic fatigue, brain fog, irritability, and a host of other symptoms and conditions can manifest. Zeolite can target hidden metals such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic among other in your body and trap them in its cage-like structure for safe removal. Once the heavy metal burden is lifted your body can start functionally at its peak potential again.

Environmental Toxins- In the 21st century we face an unprecedented number of toxic stressors in our daily lives. From the air you breathe, to the food you eat - toxins are everywhere. Over time these toxins accumulate in your body wreaking havoc on your health.  Fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, a weakened immune system, and countless health issues are common side effects when these toxins build up. Since these toxins have a positive charge most of them will fall victim to zeolites strong binding capacity for safe removal from the body.

Mycotoxins- Mold toxicity is increasingly becoming recognized as a serious problem and a player in a number of serious chronic conditions. Exposure to mold often results in an elevated amounts of mycotoxins being exposed to the immune system which can result in an inflammatory response and a number of undesirable symptoms. Zeolite can help bind to these mycotoxins and escort them out of the body before the immune system gets a chance to mount an attack which results in a stressful experience on your body.

Radioactive Particles - Clinoptilolite has been shown to bind to radioactive isotopes such as cesium-137 and strontium-90. Clinoptilolite has been used to successfully remove these radioactive isotopes from waste water. Clinoptilolite was used on a large scale during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and was successfully used to decontaminate low-level radiation waters. The cesium concentration was reduced by a factor of 1000.

Microbial Pathogens- Zeolite can bind to number of pathogenic microbes including Candida and a host of viruses. Zeolite has antiviral properties due to its potential ability to absorb viral particles. A study conducted to evaluate the antiviral properties of micronized clinoptilolite zeolite (what we use in ZeoBoost™) showed promise that zeolite can be used to inhibit viral replication. The study stated that the antiviral effect of the zeolite seems to be non-specific and is more likely based on the incorporation of viral particles into pores of zeolite aggregates than ion exchange properties of clinoptilolite. This means that zeolite may be effective against a whole host of viruses, not just the viruses used in the study. It is interesting to note that the low dose of zeolite in the study "induced a very low antiviral effect or the antiviral was not observed at all" but the high dose "induced a significant inhibitory effect upon viral proliferation." This supports the views I have shared on previous blog posts about the importance of zeolite dosing.

Zeolite and Your Immune System

An effective two-step approach to optimizing the immune system is one: remove immune-drainers, and two: add immune boosters. Without removing toxic elements that are compromising immune function step two is very limited. Metals, environmental toxicants, molds, radioactive materials, and pathogenic microbes are a few of the immune-draining toxic elements that many of us have picked up over the years and are harboring in our bodies. Zeolite can absorb many of these toxic elements and remove them from your body, freeing your immune system to focus its energy on other issues such as viral invaders.

Zeolite vs Activated Charcoal and Bentonite Clay

There are a number of great natural binders out there including activated charcoal and bentonite clay. These are fantastic products and can be very helpful in a detox protocol. But binders such as charcoal and bentonite clay don't have the same capabilities as zeolite clay. Charcoal and bentonite are great at mopping up toxins but they don't have the binding capacity of a high-quality zeolite powder. Bentonite clay and charcoal may be used in conjunction with zeolite in a detox protocol but it's my opinion that zeolite should be included and considered the primary agent for a systemic detox. Another key to consider when using most binders is that they aren't selective like zeolite so they bind to everything with a positive charge including minerals. Zeolite is a selective binder that only goes after toxic metals so you don't have to worry about it depleting your body of essential minerals.

Does Particle Size Matter?

Yes! The particle size of the zeolite will determine it's function. If the zeolite is a larger particle size it will act as a binder in the gut, but won't be effective at traveling through the blood and trapping metals and toxins. Zeolite with a small particle size offers a systemic solution and a more effective whole body detox, however no zeolite will be sticking around the gut to act as a binder. The solution... Instead of offering one particle size, our zeolite contains a range of particle sizes from super small particles for a full body detox and larger particles to sop of toxins in the gut. This range in microns insures a more complete full-body detox. Smaller zeolite particles are carried into the bloodstream for cellular detox, while the larger particles stay in the digestive tract to act as a binder. This offers a more balanced detox and reduces die off reactions common with many zeolite supplements. Another advantage of utilizing a range of particle sizes is that toxic elements come in all different shapes and sizes. If only the smallest possible zeolite particles are used (which some liquid zeolite companies boast) it is likely that a number of toxic elements in the body will be too large to fit in zeolite's cage-like structure.

Is Zeolite Safe?

Yes, absolutely...well at least the high-quality clinoptilolite zeolite we utilize in ZeoBoost, I can't speak to the safety of other zeolite products on the market. There are hundreds of types of zeolite, but we are only talking about clinoptilolite zeolite here, which is the only type of zeolite that is used in supplements. Zeolite is a natural mineral and has a variety of elements in it. It is important to note that the structure of zeolite does not get broken down in the body. Because zeolite does not get broken down in the body, it does not leech any elements that make up the compound. Zeolite is not like an essential mineral that gets utilized for cellular functions. It simply passes through your body collecting positively charged toxic elements and then is excreted. Therefore you cannot overdose on zeolite and you cannot poison yourself with zeolite.

How to Choose a Quality Zeolite Supplement

The two most important aspects to consider when utilizing zeolite for detox are quality and quantity. It's important to choose a quality, effective zeolite product and also to take it at the necessary dose. Utilizing a poor quality zeolite or taking the wrong dose can result in negative outcomes. Poor quality or liquid zeolite supplements lack the dose, combination of large and small particle size and binding capacity needed for an effective detox.

What About Liquid Zeolite?

First of all just to clarify, liquid zeolite is not actually liquefied zeolite, it's powdered zeolite mixed with water. Powdered zeolite is sometimes the same as the liquid except in a powdered form that you can mix with water at home and make your own "liquid zeolite." So we are essentially talking about the same zeolite being used. In some cases however liquid zeolite supplements exclusively contain nanosized zeolite particles which are smaller than what is used in many powdered zeolite supplements. The particle sizes in the nanosized liquid zeolite supplements are usually around 2 microns or less. The idea here is that these nanoparticles can cross the blood brain barrier and provide a full-body detox while many of the powdered zeolite supplements only detox the gut. This is great in theory but in reality these liquid zeolite supplements are limited in what they can detox. If the zeolite cage-like structure is only 2 microns in size then larger toxins may not fit inside the zeolite cage. ZeoBoost™ also contains sub 2 micron particles but also includes a range of larger particles for a more comprehensive detox.

Common Zeolite Usage Mistakes

The biggest mistake I see people making with zeolite supplementation (when using a quality product) is taking too small of a dose. A small dose will result in detox reactions, redistribution of toxins, and an ineffective detox. If you are experiencing detox reactions when taking zeolite you should up your dose immediately. It seems counter-intuitive but the lower the dose, the more likely you are to experience a detox reaction. In order to effectively detox with zeolite you need a relatively high dose, and the more toxic you are the higher dose you need.

Recommended Detox Dose

I recommend starting with 15 grams (6 level teaspoons) of powdered zeolite per day taken all at once. If all goes well at that dose I recommend staying on this dose for at lest 90 days and then considering lowering the dose to 5 grams, taken once per day for maintenance. If symptoms arise while taking 15 grams per day a number of people have successfully alleviated their symptoms by upping the dose to 30 or 45 grams per day for a while before lowering the dose. The above mentioned dose recommendations are general guidelines and there may be a better dosing strategy for you so I suggest experimenting with various doses to find what works best for you.


High-quality zeolite powder is an effective and safe detox tool for a number of toxic elements including heavy metals, environmental toxins, and mycotoxins. It is important to utilize a quality zeolite clay (not a liquid) at the proper dose for optimal effects.

ZeoBoost™ is a high-quality, powdered zeolite supplement offered at a fraction of the cost of many zeolite products on the market. Order from the link below! Note- We now have bundle pricing available for those who choose to start with the recommended higher dose-If you are planning on utilizing the recommended starting dose of 15 grams (6 teaspoons) per day the 5-pack is a 30 day supply at that dose. The 10-pack is a 60 day supply and the 15-pack is a 90 day supply.

Recommended Dose for Serious Detox (6 teaspoons per day):

Note on shipping charges- There is a flat rate $7 shipping charge on all US orders. There is a flat rate $19 shipping charge on all orders to Canada and a $59 shipping charge on all orders to the rest of the world.

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